Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chapter 5 Group Response

Synathesia. This idea was the most interesting aspect of Group 5's discussion. They started off with a good example of symbols by drawing on the board: :) vs $$ for instance. But where they really took of was when they discussed the finer points of senses and pictures and how it relates on a neurological level. There is definitely a relationship between senses in comics and that the choices of the artists are mostly intentional or at the very least a by product of standard sensory psychology that is commonly used unintentionally. They also hit on another interesting point that I didn't fully consider and that was the idea that words are also lines. This is obvious of course but I'm talking about the way lines function in comic art to describe and inform. The way a word is presented on the page can have just as much impact on a reader as the lines of the characters or other drawings on the same page if not more depending on the situation. Overall, group 5 did a good job of reviewing the chapter.

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