Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Group

The group I was in had a few troubles with communication in the beginning so our project experienced a few bumps right off the get go. However once we got the communication aspect smoothed out, our group worked fairly well together and each person for the most part shared the weight of the assignment equally. As far as my specific role went, I helped organize how the presentation was broken up between the four of us and helped to facilitate continuous communication as far as our common goals and expectations of our fellow classmates went. Each of us was responsible for our individual power-point material, but Reid did an outstanding job of putting together the material into a cohesive final presentation. Even with conflicting schedules, we managed to meet a few times to discuss and when it wasn't possible we had plenty of further discussion through emails. The actual presentation went smoothly, was mostly concise (although I ended up getting long winded at one point)and followed how we intended it's organization to be communicated.

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